Wallace Quarries - Test Data
Testing Data For Wallace Sandstone
Results of ASTM testing carried out by National Research Council, Halifax, Nova Scotia. March 1967
Results of mineral analysis carried out by Dalhousie University (Mineral Engineering Center) Halifax, Nova Scotia. February 19th, 2001.
Results of ASTM testing carried out by National Research Council, Halifax, Nova Scotia. March 1967
- Absorption: Percent absorption after 24 hrs. was 4.0%
- Saturation Coefficient: Saturation Coefficient was 0.644
- Unit Weight: Unites varies from 141.0 lbs cu/ft to 145 lbs. cu/ft for 12 specimens tested.
- Porosity: The apparent porosity was 14.3%
- Compressive Strength: On four specimens of sandstone compressive strength ranged from 11,154 PSI to 14,759 PSI
- Freeze - Thaw Test: Fifty freeze - thaw test were completed on four samples with no failures. The average weighted lossat the end of cycling was 0.06%
Results of mineral analysis carried out by Dalhousie University (Mineral Engineering Center) Halifax, Nova Scotia. February 19th, 2001.
- SiO2 Silicon Dioxide "Silica" 82.00 %
- AI2O3 Aluminium Oxide "Alumina" 8.12 %
- Fe2O3 Ferric Oxide "Hematile" 3.19 %
- Na2O Sodium Oxide 1.67 %
- K2O Potassium Oxide 1.13 %
- MgO Magnesium Oxide 0.72 %
- CaO Calcium Oxide 0.81 %
- TiO Titanium Oxide "Titania" 0.29 %
- MnO Manganese Oxide "Magnesia" 0.10 %
- L.O.I. Loss on Ignition 2.59 %
If additional information is required, please contact Wallace Quarries Ltd.
Email: mailto:flynn@wallacequarries.com Phone: 1-902-257-2014 Mailing Address: Wallace Quarries Ltd. P.O. Box 203 Wallace, Nova Scotia, Canada B0K 1Y0 |
Attached below is a pdf file of the above data for your convenience.